Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We're perfect together

Yes, I think I must finally admit it. Here. I ... am a shoe whore. I've bought 3 pairs of shoes in the past 2 and a half months. It's as though I'm making up for lost time after having been a tomboy growing up. The whole interested-in-clothes thing is very recent, so I'm still in that new phase where I'm in awe of everything I see, in terms of fashion, and experimenting with my own clothes. I used to live in jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers, so anything is a step up, really.

This was a pair I ordered from Forever21.com (a site which I online window shop at all the time). They're 5 inches which, I've found is the highest heels I can walk in. I wore them (for the first time!) to Rock the Ballet, which I saw with my mom and sister a few weeks ago.
These are the second pair, bought from Cotton On in Australia. It's the Arizona boot in Chalk, if you're interested. They remind me of witch's boots, and seeing as how I'm still loving Wicked, they're perfect.The third pair was suede black flats, nothing really special.

Needless to say, I have not bought anything in a few weeks because a) if I keep spending my money, I will have none left; b) I only buy something if I've been eyeing it for at least 2 weeks (and haven't seen anything I've really liked in a while), and; c) I have been too busy with work and other mind-occupying things to look at anything.

Reading: Dead Air by Iain Banks
Listening to: 2003 Wicked original cast recording, Jack's Mannequin's Everything In Transit

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